Lavish was the first word which came to my mind as I entered the Le Creuset store in Ambience Mall, Gurgaon. The occasion was Mother’s Day and the event was an Interactive Cooking demonstration with Masterchef India Season 5 Fame Mirvaan Vinayak and Sadaf Hussain.
On arrival, we were handed out the recipes of the dishes that the chefs were making. The event began with a few words from Mr Ankit, head of Operations, India for Le Creuset, about the brand. The French cutlery brand which has an absolutely stunning array of crockery is durable, gorgeous and best of all can also be used to cook. Another perk is that a majority of their products are under guarantee so you won’t shy away from experimenting in the kitchen, specially useful for the newly wed brides.
The table was set with refreshments for the guests which was a relief after the unbearable heat of Delhi. The event was very well carried out with some amazing dishes such as Biryani Burrito (my personal favourite), Salmon with Pea Puree, Watermelon Salad with Feta Cheese and a Giant Indian version of Cookie. These specific dishes were chosen because of the richness of colour, spices and refreshing element in them.
The chefs were extremely interactive during the whole session, telling us quick little secrets from their kitchens and funny anecdotes and stories about their cooking and experiences in Masterchef. Yours truly (me) was the only person lucky enough to be chosen to help out the maestros in their kitchen but unfortunately I could not take a picture which still makes me sad. I did manage to get a picture with them which is kinda good enough.
The tasting was a bit chaotic and thus the only dish that I could get my hands on was the biryani burrito. Good for me though as I am a huge biryani lover. It turned out to be exactly as the name says biryani stufed in a roti and grilled to seal it. it was rich in flavours without being over-powering.