Courtyard by Aline review

IMG_20170611_23035p0Courtyard by Aline

We all had lived a few days of our lives in the sitch when APPLE and BLACKBERRY were just fruits and social networking meant gathering together at someone’s courtyard, talking about good and bad, laughing at insane jokes, consoling the one in pain and eating together on one table with hands instead of knife and fork. But time has moved on and so did we. With the advent of technology and space, Apple became a big brand name, Facebook became the synonym of social gathering house and virtual friends became more important than real one.

Courtyard by Aline

But somewhere deep in our heart, we do miss those days and those moments and want to relive them all again.

Kapil, the owner at Courtyard by Aline, has the same feeling in his mind and heart when he started the exclusive range of products under the brand name ‘Courtyard’. He wanted to bring back the rich traditions of Indian culture again to the modern homes of the people, but with a contemporary touch.

Courtyard by Aline


Courtyard by Aline

Talk with a person for few minutes and you will get to know the emotion behind his business idea.

The same happened when I (Pooja Bhandari from team R4review) had a brief talk with Kapil. Within few minutes of conversation, I came to know his idea behind introducing this exclusive range of products and a pinch of Jaipuri touch behind them.

Courtyard by Aline

Being in Jaipur for some time and roaming in the aisle of the city, he has those memories hoarded in his sub-conscious mind which resurfaced in his designs.

Courtyard by Aline

A short talk with Kapil

The excerpts of the talk with Kapil:

Pooja:  What was the idea behind introducing this range with traditional touch?

Kapil: Living in Delhi for so many years, I have felt that somewhere we are losing our contact with our rich heritage and culture. Our childhood was painted with colors of dadima’s pickle, mom’s handi cooked khichdi and papa’s shoulder rides. Its hurts me when I see my children missing those moments. Through this range of antique yet contemporary products, I am trying to let them feel what we have experienced in our childhood.

Pooja: Why the name “Courtyard”?

Kapil: Because that is the place in my childhood which has most memories connected with it, where we gathered to feel each other’s presence in life.

Pooja: What about the people who work here and how you recruit them?

Kapil: The people who work with us comes from different backgrounds. They are those people who have talent in their hands but do not find place to experiment with it because they are not so handy with technology. We percept that talent in them and use it for our products designing, packaging, decoration and many others. This way, they get the employment and we get the sincere employees.

Pooja: Any future plans regarding the same?

Kapil: For now, I believe we should focus on making a good place for The Courtyard by Aline and make it achieve its true essence. Courtyard is too close to my heart and if it achieves what it has been designed for, I would be glad from all of my heart.

Courtyard by Aline


We visited the place understanding all the minute processes involved in the manufacturing of the products. How the embossing is being done by hand, the cutting of metal in desired shape, the welding part, the cutting of different design, the cleaning and packaging part.


I was really spell bound to see the amount of dedication and concentration present in the people for the work they do. They don’t do it for their livelihood, but out of love and passion.

And the result of such a work cannot be less than what we say is perfect. Clean and sharp lines, impressive designs, contemporary and fine packaging, durability and sustainability are a few of the attributes the products have.

Courtyard by Aline

Go through their range of products and select the one for your home today and feel the presence of glorious past in modern present. The home décor can also make you feel the kinship. Experience the oneness, experience the décor.


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