Review: When Change Happens by Lalit Jagtiani

When R4review received the copy of When Change Happens: A Story of Organisational Transformation, we completed it in one go and this is our take on it.


Change is hard at the first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end

~ Robin Sharma

Can any other expression of views define the flow of “Change” more beautifully than what is rendered by Mr Robin Sharma. I guess, nay!!!

But yes there is one more piece of art which has narrated the process of change in a very subtle and stirring manner. And that came from the mind of a very knowledgeable man who has written and compiled some of his experiences in the form of a book. And you can find that vivid description under the name “When Change Happens: A Story of Organisational Transformation” and the person of note is Mr Lalit Jagtiani.

About the author

Lalit is a Business Transformation Specialist who works with the top customers of SAP to handle the innovation and transformation that can help in adding a new value to the business environment of the organisations.

His adamantine belief on the application of concepts on practical grounds separates him from the rest and makes him one of his kinds in the professional circle.

I guess this would have made him to write about such an academic topic in the form of fictional and compelling story so that the thoughts of the readers remain engaged on each and every aspect of the change management. Let’s find out what author says on this.

Conversation with Mr Lalit Jagtiani


Pooja: What made you write about this topic?

Lalit:  In today’s world, Change is not a topic of management but a necessity. Each of us is part of a world that is seeing rapid Change. This has impacted us professionally and personally. It is here that I felt that there is a need for us to share our experiences that can help others better lead or manage Change

Unlike many management books that dwell on structure, content and guidelines of Change Management, this book takes its readers on an adventure trail in the corporate world. It is engaging to learn how the protagonist awakens his faculties.

On a personal level the reason for me to write this book is my deep connection with the subject. Simply saying I just answered an inner provocation that made me convert my passion for the subject into a story.

Pooja: The theories and concepts (eg. The closed eye process) used in this are based on your real time experience or they are taken from some literature?

Lalit:  In my career, I have been impressed with various theories and concepts that facilitate change the most notable being the Learning Organisation by Peter Senge in his best-selling book “The Fifth Discipline”. The theoretical framework comes from these concepts.

As a founding Board Member of the Society for Organisation Learning (SOL), Singapore, I have been fortunate to engage with many practitioners and gained from their experiences.

The execution of these concepts and how they play out in an organisation are based on my personal experiences in the applications of the methods and tools.

Pooja: The Book is useful not only on an organisational level but also in the quest of personal aspirations. What is your take on this?

Lalit:  I agree. At one level the book is about our personal evolution and internal conflicts that we need to resolve and overcome, at another it is how we as employees and professionals engage with our ecosystem to achieve the outcomes that we are tasked with. It is these personal and interpersonal capabilities that support the structures and systems that are needed to drive change.

About the book


“Vision is not a document that a team writes and forgets about. It is about continuous and ongoing efforts focused on driving a common understanding, alignment and strategy to achieve the envisioned outcome. It is a powerful tool to enhance alignment and achieve outstanding outcomes.”

Matt, the protagonist of the book, who has been chosen as one of the 15 change agents in the organisation, has slowly and firmly made himself believe about the idea of Change Management through practical application of the concepts taught to him by his trainers.

The author believes that Change is not a conventional practice with its own rules and regulations to be followed in predefined steps; rather it is an evolving process which needs to be adapted, improvised and then fitted in the organisation according to the needs of the organisation. Matt represents the process decently and relevantly.

The way he convinces himself and the teams in the organisation explains the sincere and dedicated efforts required to drive Change.

The objectives behind introducing Change in any organisation are channelizing positive spirits among the employees and narrowing down individual success to dovetail with collective achievements. These require guidance from some expert mentors who can use their experience in addressing complex challenges. The book lucidly narrates the story of Matt starting with uncertainty about the program in the beginning and ending with some firm concepts in his mind; a story from trainee to coach, from beginner to expert.

R4review recommends this book as a must read. You can buy your copy by placing  your order at the given link. Click here for the link. So hurry up, grab your copy and dive into the world of change management.

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