Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand – Steve Wonder
Music is a world with its own language, one that knows no cultural or language barrier. Music is one that brings us all together.
The British Council took a step ahead to strengthen the India-UK bond on a musical note. They launched their musical app #MixTheCity in Mumbai. The app currently has a user-ship of around 1 million.
Alan Gemmell, OBE Director India, British Council, and his team inaugurated the website app on 31st of March, 2017 at Khar Social, Mumbai. The app developing team is of the opinion that “Mix the City Mumbai” is the first step in connecting the youth from both the cities. They bring together 12 extraordinarily talented Indian musicians just a click away. You can access it on your phones and tablets all the way in Britain and in India.
The next in line for the launch are Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata.
We have a wide number of musical apps connecting us with the latest trend and beats. But #MixTheCitygives you an option of making your own track within few seconds.
The beauty of this app is that it captures music as well as the magnificence of the city, if you are far off in the US and miss the city of MUMBAI, just simply go the website select the city, few clicks and you can explore the music selection and view of the city.
If you happen to like any beats you can mix few of them and create your playlist.
Here is the link to my mix: https://goo.gl/jaAknw
You can even send the mix to your friends or share it on your social portals. However, I faced a problem while emailing the same. Another, down side is that they don’t have an option of mixing the tracks from various different cities.